Welcome to Techneuro

Where we look to create a society well aware of the different opportunities that combining technology and medicine can offer and clearing up common misconceptions a topic like this might cause, here at Techneuro our goal is to make you as well informed as possible about different types of neurotechnology's and how they differ from what we usually see portraited by science fiction movies in order to help you make healthier choices.

Deep Brain Stimulation

Deep brain stimulation also known as DBS is used to treat movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease, dystonia, or neurological conditions. It works by getting electrodes implanted within the brain. These electrodes will produce electrical impulses which can change cells in the brain and cause medical conditions in some cases; however Deep brain stimulation is considered a low-risk type of neurotechnology; However, one cannot forget about the risks that any surgery can represent. The amount of stimulation you get will be controlled by a peacemaker device that goes under the skin of your chest, this is a device that uses batteries to work.

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Is Neurotechnology secure?

Among users of neurotechnology, there is often questions about if this kind of devices is secure when it comes to their privacy, and this is definitely important question to ask, as we know there can always be dangers to using technology; however, this is not only technology, it is your body too, and because of that before getting a device of such kind into the hands of anyone, regulations were created to avoid any potential risk that interacting with this devices could cause, and because of that we can say today that neurotechnology is as secure as it can be. This is due to all of this information being protected under HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and also by the field of Computer security and privacy. Together they work to ensure that your information is as secure as it can be and that your device will always be under your and your control only, and cant be accessed by third parties.

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What is neurotechnology

Neurotechnology is defined by the National Institutes of Health "the assembly methods and instruments that enable direct connection of technical components with the nervous system". In other words, it refers to the methods and tools that connect devices directly to the nervous system allowing machines or devices to interact with our brain, nerves and spinal cord, in order to provide some kind of medical gain or aid. a good common example would be an MRI, which is a kind of brain imaging that can be used when trying to detect the presence of tumors or brain injuries

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About us

Techneuro is a platform dedicated to sharing knowledge about all neurotechnology has too offer to its users both pros and cons, our main goal is creating awareness and giving our users knowledge about all different types of neurotechnology and let them decided what is best for their health both with pros and cons in mind, all of this while creating awareness on what neurotechnology true meaning is; as well as clearing common misconception's that movies can have had left on the publics mind that for the most part are not accurate and unrealistic

Contact us at: techneuro.blog@gmail.com

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